Council Considers Unusual Proposals to Trim Budget

(Mila Shay, KTRK 13 News)
Houston city leaders [were] huddled for a marathon meeting about proposed changes to the city’s multibillion-dollar budget. These are potentially significant decisions affecting everything from the mayor’s term limits to whether you can use a plastic bag at the grocery store.

More than 100 amendments are on the table for consideration. But the good news are none of them propose large-scale layoffs.

The idea of phasing away plastic bags is just one of 104 amendments being considered this budget year. Councilman Ed Gonzalez says the bags turn into hard-to-get-rid-of trash.

The plastic bag proposal may seem like unusual for council members to consider, but budget cycles are a time when council members introduce unusual ideas.

… Helena Brown, for example, wanted council members to default on police and fire pension plans, among other suggestions. That was quickly voted down.

But other ideas did pass. Council members could now put a proposal before voters to change term limits to two four-year terms. And the proposed pole tax of $5 for every strip club customer is scheduled for a vote next week.
(See the full report at KTRK 13 News)

• Council to Consider Strip Club Fee to Fund Rape Kit Testing
(Houston Chronicle)
• City Will Consider What to do About Plastic Bags
(Houston Chronicle)