‘Early to Rise’ Campaign Seeks to Boost Early Education in Harris County, But Will Citizens Chip In?


Video: KPRC 2 News

Laura Isensee, KUHF Public Radio
One of the latest big ideas from President Obama is prekindergarten for every four-year-old in the country. In Texas, the state already pays for half day prekindergarten. Here in Houston, a group of education experts, child advocates and business people want to expand on that — with a brand new tax.

At a reception at the United Way near downtown, people are picking up white envelopes. They’re filled with petitions and talking points.

“Learning begins from zero on,” says Anna Babin, president and CEO of the United Way of Greater Houston. “A quality early education can make the difference of a child entering kindergarten ready or not,” she adds.

Early-to-Rise-logoThat’s the pitch from the Early To Rise campaign. The goal is to get 78,000 signatures from registered voters in Harris County in the next few weeks to put a proposed county-wide property tax on the ballot in November.

The proposal is a 1-cent property tax per $100 dollars of assessed value on a home. It would pay to expand and improve early childhood education, including better training for child-care providers, parenting support and teacher training.
(Read and listen to more of the story at KUHF Public Radio)