On Monday, November 12, 2012, the Better Business Bureau of Houston and South Texas held its annual charity press conference at Goodwill Industries of Houston.
Houston has already garnered national recognition this year for fiscal responsibility in the management of its largest nonprofit organizations, but the BBB release provides an in-depth local look at a larger number of charities. And Dan Parson, President of the BBB happily reports there is very little concern among the vast number of organizations they examined.
The newly published list of about 500 Houston area charities, shows whether or not they meet the BBB’s Accountability Standards, or if they declined to participate. Copies can be found at the Bureau’s Charity Reports and Standards website or via the PDF link here.
In addition to BBB leadership, member organizations at the event spoke about the importance of transparency and accountability for non-profits and offered tips for donors on how to give wisely this upcoming holiday season. (VIDEO: KTRK 13 News)