New York Emergency Management Planners Benefited From Studying Hurricane Ike In Houston

Northeast Awakes to Huge Damage in Storm’s Path; Millions Without Power
(New York Times)

(Jack Williams & Ed Mayberry, KUHF Public Radio)
As Hurricane Sandy begins slamming the northeast, emergency planners in New York City are using some of the things they learned here in the Houston area during Hurricane Ike four years ago.

As Ike headed our way back in 2008, four staffers from the New York City Office of Emergency Management traveled to Houston to see first-hand how emergency planners here handled the storm. Francisco Sanchez is with the Harris County Office of Emergency Management and says New York City is likely using some of those lessons learned right now.

“They wanted to come down and be part of a planning process that involved a hurricane and some of the lessons that they learned here during Hurricane Ike being a part of our time, they’ve taken back and revised some of their hurricane planning. Obviously some of that is taking place now. They’ve put some of those in place for Irene and certainly now for Sandy, so it’s a great working relationship that we have with the New York City Office of Emergency Management. They learn from us and we learn from them and in the end we’re better able to provide services to both our communities.”

Sanchez says Harris County Emergency Planners have been in phone contact with New York City planners and those in several other cities along the East Coast.
(Hear more of this story at KUHF Public Radio)