Is Voter Fraud Really Rampant in Texas?

Out of 39M Ballots Cast Since 2002, Only .0001% Cited

KHOU 11 News’ Jeremy Desel digged into the Attorney General’s numbers last night to analyze just how rampant a concern voter fraud at Texas polls could be. The findings seem much less dramatic, and inconsequential, then what was presented in the State Legislature last year, and in the federal court this week in Washington.
(Video: KHOU 11 News)

Spotlight Segment:
According to the Texas Secretary of State’s office, since 2004 there have been 39,072,039 ballots cast in major elections in Texas.

Doing the math on that, if you assume that all 62 of the AG’s cases are valid, the percentage of fraud by comparison is .0001 percent.

[Then] there is another problem, according to Bob Stein:
“When voter fraud occurs it most likely occurs in this state when somebody illegally requests for somebody other than themselves a mail in ballot,” he said.

We find that in the AG’s cases, as many as 40 involved mail ballots, [64.5%] and that is something that the voter ID law would not prevent (KHOU 11 Report)