“This Is Home”: Undocumented College Students

Speak-Up for DREAM Act & Being Part of Texas

Governor Perry has taken a lot of flack from within his party for his support of the Texas DREAM Act that allows children of undocumented aliens to attend Texas University’s at in-state tuition rates. But who are these students? The video is a powerful indicator.

This astonishing bit of testimony comes from the Austin American Statesman that does a profile on a student group at UT-Austin of DREAMers – several of whom are from Houston. The group is named after the legislation modeled here in Texas know as Development Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act, which was pushed forward by former State Rep. Rick Noriega of Houston.

The article is a important read for anyone in this nation curious about who these children are who come to this nation through no fault of their own, but who want to educate themselves and contribute to our society. The article notes for instance several of them pursuing careers in social work, engineering, and education.
(Source: Austin American Statesman)