Movember is Here: Tongue in Cheek Machismo Campaign Seeks to Raise Awareness of Men’s Cancers

Having just finished Breast Cancer Awareness in October, we pack away our pink ribbons and some of us will take to donning mustaches. It’s all part of a fun inspired campaign to increase awareness and funds for men’s health – specifically prostate and testicular cancer. Going into its seventh year, Movember encouarages men to forgo shaving as a physical reminder of the effort. (Video clip explains it further more)

Although a recent article on the campaign in Fast Company suggests it came about  heavier on fun then health promotion, it seems plausible we will see this campaign develop further into a mainstream effort in the years to come. They even have jewelry and party costumes for women who want to participate and show support for their guy.

Locally for Houston, we have not seen word of any end-of-the-month wrap-up parties yet, but Nordstrom’s in the Galleria and TOMS Shoes are cosponsoring an Art of Shaving event on Saturday, November 5. Details here.

In the interim we expect to see a lot of scrappy looking gentlemen roaming around town. And by Thanksgiving they will have a whole new look to show mom.