Houston Rally Demands Justice in Trayvon Martin Slaying

(Pedro Pinto, Houston Chronicle)
Donning hoodies and clutching bags of Skittles, crowds protested outside City Hall as they demanded justice in the killing of the unarmed black Florida teenager by a Neighborhood Watch leader.

U.S. Reps. Sheila Jackson Lee and Al Green, both D-Houston, and leaders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People were among those who turned out to remember the teen and to call for the arrest of 28-year-old George Zimmerman.

“We are announcing that Houston today is joining the official Trayvon Martin movement,” said Jackson Lee, who showed the crowd a bag of Skittles to note the simplicity of the trip Martin had made to the store when he was shot. “The state of Florida can arrest, can arrest, can arrest Mr. Zimmerman now, in peace, in harmony and justice,” she said.

Green wore a black “hoodie” and was surrounded by a group of youngsters also wearing hooded sweatshirts. “Now that I’m wearing a hoodie, am I no longer Congressman Al Green,” he asked. “We will not rest, until there has been an arrest.”
(Read more at the Houston Chronicle)


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