Senator Ted Cruz is on a Mission to Derail Obamacare


Carrie Feibel, KUHF Public Radio
While the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services was visiting Houston to promote the affordable care act, Texas Senator Ted Cruz was also touring the Houston region — to attack the law.

Sen. Cruz appeared at two political events Monday night and then spoke Tuesday at a breakfast meeting of the Houston Realty Business Coalition. That’s a lobbying organization for the commercial real estate industry.

Cruz spoke a bit about his family and his Senate victory, and also about defeating President Obama’s gun-control proposals. But mostly he focused on the Affordable Care Act, also called Obamacare.

Cruz says Congress should defund Obamacare by including that demand in the next federal budget fight.
Congress must pass a budget resolution before October 1 in order to keep the federal government going.

“I have publicly stated along with a number of other senators that under no circumstances will I vote for a continuing resolution that funds one penny of Obamacare.”

Now, Cruz admits that right now Congress doesn’t have the votes to defund Obamacare — but it could if a “grassroots army” rose up and demanded it of their representatives.

“So why does this fight matter? Because if we don’t stop it by January 1, the odds are we never will stop it.”
(Read and listen to more of this story at KUHF Public Radio)

Cruz: Americans Could Get “Addicted” to Obamacare (Texas Tribune)