Video: It Can Wait, Houston
Florian Martin, KUHF Public Radio
While the Texas Legislature will make a second attempt to write a texting-while-driving ban into law, Houston Mayor Annise Parker this time doesn’t want to hope for Gov. Rick Perry’s support. The city has launched an awareness campaign, and Parker says she would consider a local ban on texting if the measure fails again in Austin.
Two years ago, the state Legislature passed a bill that outlawed texting while driving. But Gov. Perry, saying it would “micromanage the behavior of adults,” vetoed it. While lawmakers are now again contemplating a statewide ban, Mayor Parker says she will go ahead and introduce a local statute if she has to.
“If it does not get passed and signed into law, I am prepared to begin the discussion with City Council about a local ordinance. I have ordinance in draft form if we need to do that. I’d prefer to see something happen at the state level.”
Parker says a ban won’t solve the problem of texting while driving; although, it would help. More important than a law is education, she says. For that reason the City of Houston has joined AT&T’s nationwide “It Can Wait” campaign, which aims to educate people about the dangers of texting while driving.
One part of the campaign is a public service announcement featuring Parker and local rapper Bun B.
[…] Some professional Houston sports teams and major cable providers have agreed to broadcast the PSA.
Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia says not only texting but all forms of distracted driving can kill.
“One second taking our eyes of the road. The two, three seconds you think that it’s taking you to send a text is essentially the fuse being lit on taking someone’s life. Do not let that be a burden that you will have to carry for the rest of your life.”
Parker says what is needed is a cultural change similar to when drinking and driving and not wearing a seatbelt first started to be widely recognized as unacceptable.
(Read & listen to more of this story at KUHF Public Radio)
• Houston considers ban on texting while driving (
• AT&T survey finds more than half of commuters text while driving (Dallas News)
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