Video: Local Families React (KRIV 26 News)
Alvaro Ortiz, Houston Chronicle
The familiar rallying cry of “si se puede” (yes we can) rang out as a dozen people gathered for a watching party in Houston Thursday afternoon for the U.S. Senate’s passage of sweeping immigration reform legislation.
They were watching the 68 to 32 vote live at the Houston offices of FIEL (Familias Inmigrantes y Estudiantes en la Lucha) which means Immigrant Families and Students in the Struggle).

Some in attendance cried; others hugged their children, excited by the prospects of a bill offering a path to citizenship to 11 million immigrants who came to this country illegally.
One of those people is 53-year-old Gerardo Tobar who arrived in the U.S. from Monclova, Coahuila-Mexico. He’s been living here since 1993.
“I’m very happy because there was great support for the bill in the Senate,” Tobar said after watching the Senate vote. “Immigration reform would benefit me and my family. Also, having legal documents, I could look for more jobs other than construction”.
Tobar has participated in marches and meetings for important civic causes and says he will stay active. “If the U.S. government wants good citizens, we need to be able to get the appropriate documents,” he said.
Cesar Espinosa, executive director for FIEL, said though he recognizes the historic nature of Thursday’s vote he stressed that this is not the end.
“Now we have to try to influence the House of Representatives,” Espinosa said. “We also must send a message to senators Cornyn and Cruz because they voted against the bill. In the next election, we’ll try to mobilize to elect politicians who really represent our community.”
(Read the full story at
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