Houston’s Women’s Memorial Herman To Deliver World’s First Live Tweeted C-Section

We know it’s Social Media Week in Houston and around the world this week, but this unconnected event really caught our eye. Women’s Memorial Hermann Hospital at Memorial City Medical Center has announced it will host the first live surgical birth via Twitter on Wednesday, Feb. 20 starting at 7:30 am CST

Doctors will take the public into the OR to reveal what happens during a Caesarean section (C-section) and provide a glimpse into one family’s miracle of birth during a live Twittercast.

The hospital contends “This is Twitter’s first live surgical birth.” Although some quick Googling shows its been done before in more (ahem) “traditional births.”

Viewers can follow board-certified obstetrician Anne Gonzalez, M.D. and her 39-year-old patient and family through the birthing process, from pre-admission testing and anesthesia to the first surgical incision and delivery of the baby. Live, up-close video, still photography and play-by-play tweets will inform and educate the public along the way.

If you are so bold, follow Memorial Hermann’s account on Twitter @houstonhospital or watch hashtag #MHbaby to follow the live c-section as it happens Wednesday morning.