Houston Area Youth Seek to Lead Nation in “Souper Bowl of Caring” Food Drive

Video Link: Young students aim to accomplish amazing Souper Bowl of Caring feat (KRIV 26 News)

Kristine Galvan, KRIV 26 News
Unloading trucks full of boxes of food is never a chore at the Houston Food Bank. It’s always good to see a new delivery truck arrive at the docks.

“On any given day, 66,000 people in our community are hungry,” said Betsy Ballard, spokeswoman for the Houston Food Bank. “Three thousand of them are children.”

And that’s what makes this particular donation so special. Two trucks arrived at the docks on Friday morning loaded with food from students at West University Elementary School. For five days, children from kindergarten to fifth grade collected canned and boxed goods, along with bags of rice and beans with the goal of beating the top single donor from last year’s Souper Bowl of Caring food drive.

It was a difficult task. You see, the West University children were trying to outdo themselves. West University Elementary was the top donor in 2012 for all schools and organizations nationwide.

Within the halls, collecting for the drive has become an inner competition to see which classroom will turn in the most pounds of food. But it is more than a game. It’s teaching outside of the box, an opportunity to learn.
(More at KRIV 26 News) 

ALSO:  Boy Scouts Collect Food Donations During ‘Souper Bowl’ (KPRC 2 News)