(KPRC 2 News)
Rita Garcia, KRIV 26 Fox
Houston-area residents are bracing for cold weather [Monday night] while homeless shelters like Star of Hope Mission anticipate traffic from thousands of visitors as the freezing temperatures blow through the area.
A spokeswoman for the shelter says it not only has extra blankets and mats, but the plan is to give everyone a warm place to sleep. “My heart goes out to those who weren’t able to get into a shelter you know cause it was painfully cold last night” said Usthana Hargrove, who’s thankful to have already secured a warm bed for his wife and two boys at the Woman and Family Emergency Shelter in downtown Houston.
“It does break my heart and you see pregnant woman as well and with the cold weather my heart goes out to all the them” said Madalisoh Hargrove, before her husband explains how his family of four ended up at the Star of Hope Mission.
“Me being a disabled vet, you know, I’m in and out of work, so it was one of those things where my wife lost her job you know the economy is terrible,” said Usthana.
But the family agrees that’s not important tonight given the cold weather they’re just counting their blessings since they have a spot at a shelter. (Read more at KRIV 26 News)
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