Hurricane Season Officially Starts Today, Two Weeks After First Storms of the Season Already Spotted

(Eric Berger, Houston Chronicle)
Hurricane season officially begins today, but rarely has it ever been more apparent that June 1 is an arbitrary start date.

That’s because two named storms – Alberto and Beryl – have already developed in the Atlantic this year. Only twice in the 150-year record have two tropical storms developed prior to June 1. That happened back in 1887 and 1908.

One of this year’s storms, Beryl, which reached 70 mph before making landfall earlier this week near Jacksonville Beach in Florida, is the fifth most intense Atlantic storm ever recorded in May.

So does this mean, now that hurricane season is officially upon us, the Atlantic is going to be extra busy this summer? Not necessarily, said Phil Klotzbach, a hurricane scientist who co-authors a widely read seasonal hurricane forecast with William Gray.
(Read the full story at the Houston Chronicle)

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