Kidnapped Child Believed Found 8 Years Later; May Be Reunited With Houston Parents

(Team Report/KHOU News)
An 8-year-old boy who was allegedly abducted by his godmother in Houston when he was just a baby was being held in a group foster home Thursday, while CPS officials worked to sort out the details of the complicated case.

CPS officials described Miguel Morin as well-mannered and healthy. But, they said he believes his name is Dequan, doesn’t know his last name, thinks he is 6 and not 8, believes the alleged abductor – Krystle Tanner – is his mother, and has never been to school.

“It’s hard to hear that he has no type of education – he can’t read. He doesn’t know his age. He doesn’t know anything,” Miguel’s biological mother, Auboni Champion-Morin, said.

Champion-Morin hasn’t seen her son since she reported him missing to HPD in November of 2004. She spent a frustrating day at the Harris County Courthouse Thursday, waiting for word on when they could be reunited.
(See the full story at KHOU 11 News)

Missing Child in Foster Care as Officials Sort Out Custody
(Houston Chronicle)



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