Flooding is a long known historical problem in Houston and Harris County, even if the drought has meant it has been a while since we have seen a flood. However, the flooding a week ago in the southeast part of Houston, in the vicinity of Griggs, Old Spanish Trail and Martin Luther King Boulevard, is new. And as yet it is unexplained, even if neighbors and some officials have some working theories.
Over 100 residents gathered last night with city and other officials to get to the bottom of the new problem. (KRIV-26 News video below)
More than 100 Gather to Voice Flood Concerns: MyFoxHOUSTON.com
In the interim, the question remains for those in the Royal Palm apartments – hit hardest by the flood – where will they go? Residence living on the lower floors have been told to leave so renovations can begin, but many have no other immediate place to go. This illustrates how unexpected tragedies can set back many who already have very little.(Channel 11 video from Monday.)